About the Journal
Journal for Business, Development, and Leadership ISSN 2957-7136 (Online) aims to publish high-quality research papers in all areas of Business, Development, and Leadership. By not excluding papers based on novelty, this journal facilitates the research and wishes to publish research papers as long as they conform to the technical and scientific standards of the respective discipline or field. This is a quality controlled double-blind peer-reviewed open access INTERNATIONAL journal
Publication of high quality, high impact, double-blind peer-reviewed research papers.
Core Values
- Honesty: As part of our mission, we aim to publish research papers of the highest quality in content and design. Our Editorial Policy is designed to protect the author and the publisher against potential copyright infringement and unfair treatment.
- Trust: We strive to build a trusting relationship with our authors, the journal, and the general public. This is done in the spirit of the objectivity of the journal.
- Team Spirit and Accountability: We foster team spirit in our work. We believe that a team is always stronger than a single genius, but each party is accountable for their work. We keep our authors informed at each step of the publishing process. In addition, we provide helpful and timely information to our authors and facilitate access their access to any available ancillary information or resources.
- Modesty:
We are alive to the constraints of our limitations and the potential
limitations of our authors. We endeavor to do our best to be as truthful
as possible and uphold the ethics in our work.
- Integrity
The integrity of the knowledge that emerges from the published
research papers by this journal is based on strict adherence to
the core values of honesty, trust, team spirit, accountability, and
modesty. Integrity is upheld and strongly fostered throughout the
publishing process because we believe that integrity is the bedrock
on which scientific publication rests.
A dedicated journal indexing team is working to include all of our journals in reputed indexing services or journal evaluation services (Google Scholar, ResearchGate, Publons, and so on)
Article Publication Charge (APC)
As an open-access journal, this journal charges an Article Publication Charge (APC) of K1300 (ZMW 1300) in lieu of subscription fees that libraries and readers traditionally have to pay to gain access to research papers or articles.